新东方在线GMAT频道为大家带来GMAT语法there be常见使用误区一文,希望对大家GMAT备考有所帮助。更多精彩尽请关注新东方在线GMAT频道!
GMAT考试在我们通常使用的there be句型中,以下几种表达必定错。
(1)there could be done sth.
(2)there be sth. done
(3)there being +名词词组
(4)there was sth. (抽象性表动作的名词),如there was a transmission的表达不对。
一般来说 GMAT中there be仅用于“某处有某物”,而此物是指一具体名词,如wolf,stone,star,而不是指抽象名词:如conversion,relation等。(其中done代表过去分词)
在wikipedia的there be词条有这样几条我们需要关注:
第一,there be的意思是存在,有;
第二,形式多变:不定式是there to be,一般现在时单数there is,复数there are,动名词there being,一般过去时单数there was,复数there were,现在完成时单数there has been,复数there have been;
there could be done sth.真的必错吗?
必错。这里的be是助动词,而there be句型中的be是系动词。
there be sth. done真的必错吗?
There could be as many as 2m "missing" unemployed Americans excluded from the data.
上面这个句子使用了could,表示可能有。as many as 2m是数词修饰,Americans是sth.,那么excluded from the data则是done。
there being + 名词词组真的必错吗?
不一定错。there being短语是一个动名词短语,所以表达有的意思就可以用,在经济学人中例句太多了:
Lots of people would agree to the idea of there being another Scottish referendum.
那么问题来了,为什么在GMAT考试中会认为there being必错呢?以OG2016为例,在第658页逻辑题的解答中写道:The argument does not rely, even implicitly, on there being any difference in the quality of materials used in the two eras...,这里使用了there being
在704页语法第5题的解答中写道:For there being is awkward and wordy.那么我们对比一下第5题正确选项与错误选项的区别:
错误:hopes for there being a recovery finally under way(对于有终将来临的复苏有希望)
正确:hopes that a recovery is finally under way(希望复苏终将来临)
在GMAT考试中,there being并不必然是错的,关键是这个表示有...意思的动名词短语是否语义合理。
there was sth.(抽象性表动作的名词)真的必错吗?
以上就是新东方在线GMAT频道为你带来的GMAT语法there be常见使用误区,更多精彩敬请关注新东方在线GMAT频道。